
Dejavu All Over Again

Some suspicious comparisons between the attack on Israel & the reporting of 9/11
The American Awakening
The American Awakening
Dejavu All Over Again

Show Notes

Some suspicious comparisons between the attack on Israel & the reporting of 9/11

In this gripping episode, dive deep into a web of geopolitical intrigue as we unravel the complex ties between historical events and present-day conflicts. From Joe Biden’s 2023 stance on American hostages to the haunting echoes of George Bush’s 1990 incubator babies scandal, we challenge mainstream narratives and ask the hard questions. Was Nayara’s testimony before Congress all it seemed? How do recent surprise attacks on Israel by Hamas draw eerie parallels to past global events? And what hidden agendas might be driving the narratives we’re fed? Discover the potential puppet masters behind major global players like Biden and Netanyahu, and find out why some believe that not all is as it seems in the world of international politics. With mentions of 9-11, Osama bin Laden, and the mysterious circumstances surrounding certain global leaders, this podcast promises a journey through history, conspiracy, and the quest for truth. Are you ready to challenge what you know?

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